Mapa Mob Lvl min Mob Lvl max Mob Porcentagem de drop Nome
All 12 150 All 45 Jewel of Chaos
All 25 150 All 40 Jewel of Bless
All 25 150 All 35 Jewel of Soul
All 46 150 All 30 Jewel of Life
All 46 150 All 25 Jewel of Creation
Relics 69 150 All 20 Gemstone
O kalima 7
Land of Trials
0 150 All 25 Jewel of Guardian
LaCleon All All Iron Knight 45 Sphere (Mono)
LaCleon All All Dark Mammoth 40 Sphere (Di)
LaCleon All All Dark Giant 35 Sphere (Tri)
LaCleon All All Dark Coolutin 30 Sphere (Tetra)
LaCleon All All Dark Iron Knight 25 Sphere (Penta)
All 1 32 All 100 Scroll of Archangel 1
All 33 45 All 90 Scroll of Archangel 2
All 46 57 All 80 Scroll of Archangel 3
All 57 68 All 70 Scroll of Archangel 4
All 69 76 All 60 Scroll of Archangel 5
All 77 84 All 50 Scroll of Archangel 6
All 85 101 All 40 Scroll of Archangel 7
All 102 150 All 30 Scroll of Archangel 8
All 1 32 All 100 Blood Bone 1
All 33 45 All 90 Blood Bone 2
All 46 57 All 80 Blood Bone 3
All 57 68 All 70 Blood Bone 4
All 69 76 All 60 Blood Bone 5
All 77 84 All 50 Blood Bone 6
All 85 101 All 40 Blood Bone 7
All 102 150 All 30 Blood Bone 8
All 46 57 All 80 Old Scroll 1
All 57 68 All 70 Old Scroll 2
All 69 76 All 60 Old Scroll 3
All 77 84 All 50 Old Scroll 4
All 85 101 All 40 Old Scroll 5
All 102 150 All 30 Old Scroll 6
All 46 57 All 80 Illusion Sorcerer Covenant 1
All 57 68 All 70 Illusion Sorcerer Covenant 2
All 69 76 All 60 Illusion Sorcerer Covenant 3
All 77 84 All 50 Illusion Sorcerer Covenant 4
All 85 101 All 40 Illusion Sorcerer Covenant 5
All 102 150 All 30 Illusion Sorcerer Covenant 6
All 1 32 All 90 Devil's Eye 1
All 33 45 All 80 Devil's Eye 2
All 46 57 All 70 Devil's Eye 3
All 57 68 All 60 Devil's Eye 4
All 69 76 All 50 Devil's Eye 5
All 77 84 All 40 Devil's Eye 6
All 85 150 All 30 Devil's Eye 7
All 1 32 All 90 Devil's Key 1
All 33 45 All 80 Devil's Key 2
All 46 57 All 70 Devil's Key 3
All 57 68 All 60 Devil's Key 4
All 69 76 All 50 Devil's Key 5
All 77 84 All 40 Devil's Key 6
All 85 150 All 30 Devil's Key 7
All 25 46 All 90 Symbol of Kundun 1
All 47 65 All 80 Symbol of Kundun 2
All 66 77 All 70 Symbol of Kundun 3
All 78 83 All 60 Symbol of Kundun 4
All 84 91 All 50 Symbol of Kundun 5
All 92 113 All 40 Symbol of Kundun 6
All 114 150 All 30 Symbol of Kundun 7
All 60 150 All 40 Sign of Dimensions
All 25 150 All 10 Spirit Map Fragment
Nixie Lake 25 150 All 10 Nixies Spirit Fragment
Swamp Of Darkness All All All 1 Resurrection Piece
Kubera Mine All All All 1 Guardian Enhanced Stone
Scotch Canyon All All All 1 Elite Guardian Enhanced
Nixie Lake All All All 1 Guardian Pieces
Sockeye of Icarus All All Sockeye of Phantom 1 1er Guardian
Sockeye of Icarus All All Sockeye of Drakan 1 2er Guardian
Sockeye of Icarus All All Sockeye of Phoenix 1 Seal of Ice Dragon
Gray Aida All All Death Rider Gray 1 3er Guardian
Gray Aida All All Witch Queen Gray 1 4er Guardian
Gray Aida All All Golem Gray 3 Seal of Pierce Ryan
Icarus All All All 20 Loch's Feather
Icarus All All All 20 Monarch's Crest
Lost Tower All All DEATH KNIGHT 10 Death King's Bone
Aida All All HELL MAINE 10 Hell Maine Leather
Icarus All All Phoenix of Darkness 10 Dark Phoenix Flame
Tarkan All All Death Beam Knight 10 Death Beam Knight Soul
Barracks All All All 15 Condor Flame
Swamp Of Darkness All All All 15 Golden Sentence
Vulcanus All All All 15 Garuda Flame
Crywolf All All All 5 Splinter of Armor
Crywolf All All All 3 Bless of Guardian
Crywolf All All All 3 Claw of Beast
Icarus All All All 10 Spirit of Dark Horse
Icarus All All All 10 Spirit of Dark Spirit
All 25 150 All 10 Sign of the Lord
All 25 150 All 10 Pumpkin of Luck
All 30 150 All 10 Cherry Blossom Play Box
Land of Trials All All All 25 Sealed Golden Box
Land of Trials All All All 30 Sealed Silver Box
Land of Trials All All All 30 Silver Key
Land of Trials All All All 25 Gold Key
Land of Trials All All All 1 Sealed Bloodangel Helm
Land of Trials All All All 1 Sealed Bloodangel Armor
Land of Trials All All All 1 Sealed Bloodangel Pants
Land of Trials All All All 1 Sealed Bloodangel Gloves
Land of Trials All All All 1 Sealed Bloodangel Boots
Land of Trials All All All 1 Sealed Bloodangel Weapons
All 12 69 All 30 Star of Christmas
All 12 69 All 30 Heart of Love
All 12 49 All 30 Silver Medal
All 50 69 All 30 Gold Medal
Relics All All All 10 Moonstone Pendant
All 77 84 All 10 Green Mistery Box
All 85 101 All 10 Pink Mistery Box
All 102 150 All 10 Purple Mistery Box
All 12 150 All 20 Guardian Angel
All 12 150 All 20 Imp
LaCleon All All All 10 Sonic Combination Note
LaCleon All All All 100 Blast Combination Note
LaCleon All All All 10 Horn Combination Note
LaCleon All All All 10 Devil Cross Combination Note
LaCleon All All All 10 Thunder Combination Note
LaCleon All All All 10 Miracle Combination Note
LaCleon All All All 10 Cyclone Combination Note
LaCleon All All All 10 Magmus Combination Note
LaCleon All All All 10 Angelic Combination Note
LaCleon All All All 10 Spite Combination Note
LaCleon All All All 10 Asura Combination Note
LaCleon All All All 10 Tigris Combination Note
LaCleon All All All 10 Crimson Combination Note
LaCleon All All All 10 Dark Devil Shield Note
LaCleon All All All 10 Light Lord Shield Note
LaCleon All All All 10 A Ambição De Shield Note
LaCleon All All All 10 Magic Knight Shield Note
LaCleon All All All 10 Lazy Wind Shield Note
LaCleon All All All 10 Leme Combination Note
LaCleon All All All 10 Armor Combination Note
LaCleon All All All 10 Pants Combination Note
LaCleon All All All 10 Gloves Combination Note
LaCleon All All All 10 Botas Combination Note
LaCleon All All Ice Walker 5 Ice Walker Mane
LaCleon All All Giant Mammoth 5 Mammoth Bundle of Fur
LaCleon All All Ice Giant 5 Giant Ice Pieces
LaCleon All All Coolutin 5 Coolutin Poison
LaCleon All All Iron Knight 5 Iron Knight Heart
LaCleon All All Dark Mammoth 5 Dark Mammoth Horn
LaCleon All All Dark Giant 5 Dark Giant Axe
LaCleon All All Dark Coolutin 5 Dark Blood Coolutin
LaCleon All All Dark Iron Knight 5 Dark Iron Knight Sword
All All All 15 Mithril Black
Acheron All All All 13 Mithril Red
Uruk Mountion All All All 13 Mithril Green
Nars All All All 10 Mithril Blue
Nixies Lake All All All 10 Mithril Yellow
All 50 150 All 20 Piece of Summoning Scroll
Ferea All All All 27 Fragment of Shield Bloodangel
Nixies Lake All All All 26 Fragment of Shield Darkangel
Swamp of Darkness All All All 25 Fragment of Shield Holyangel
Kubera Mines All All All 20 Fragment of Shield Awakening
Scorched Canyon All All All 15 Fragment of Frost Shield Soul
Gray Aida All All All 10 Fragment of Shield Silver Heart
Gray Aida All All All 5 Fragment Shield Manticore